Writing A Response To A Government Rfp

Writing a Response to a Government RFP

When writing a response to a Government RFP, your team will need to accomplish all of the items below, some simultaneously and others independent from one another.

Read all sections of the RFP
To get a handle on the overall scope of the intent the Government has for issuing the RFP, it is good to read, not only the main RFP document but the attachments as well. You will often find specific requirements deep in one of those documents which, if missed, could make you non-compliant. The slightest deviation from the proposed requirements could cause your proposal to get thrown out on a technicality as non-compliant.

The introduction will usually describe the purpose of the RFP along with dates, contacts, and some legal issues. There will often be a Statement of Work or Performance Work Statement describing the specific tasks required as a contractor. It might also have contract clauses, terms, and conditions that will be incorporated into the final agreement if your company is selected. Additional sections include various representations and certifications, instructions to the offeror, and the evaluation criteria and process.
Keep in mind that there are often mistakes and conflicting information as often an old RFP is edited and adapted for a new contract. This is why they have a period for allowing you to ask questions and get clarifications. Since these questions and answers will be published and shared with all bidders as an amendment, be careful not to reveal anything that you do not want to be made public.
One key subsection that I always recommend clients review before deciding to move forward is to review any Mandatory/Minimum Requirements. You can have the best proposal, but if you cannot meet the minimum requirements, you are not going to win the contract.

Note the Evaluation Criteria

Understanding how they will measure your responses and the hierarchy of what’s important in their evaluation helps to emphasize those areas. For example, if cost is expected to be “reasonable” and accounts for only 15% of the total score, but your past performance makes up 50% of the score, you don’t need to have the lowest price, but must make a strong case for similar contracts completed in the past.
Pricing is always a key component of any proposal
Even when the price is going to make up only a small portion of the evaluation criteria, believe me, it is still a critical factor in the decision process. Within the range, the lower-cost proposals are going to be more competitive as long as they meet the technical requirements. One caveat is based on what they call a “reasonable price” which takes into account the range of prices being proposed across all bidders. If your price is too high or too low, i.e., way outside the average range, it may not be accepted as they probably think that you don’t know what you are doing.
So, when writing a response to a Government RFP and a detailed cost breakdown is requested, they are especially going to review the amount or percentage of profit. Typically, you are now allowed to charge more than you would your commercial clients. I recommend including a modest profit, but at a rate that you’ll be satisfied with. You don’t want to lose money unless you feel like you are investing in a potentially long term relationship.
This is also where questions can be very useful since if you don’t fully understand what is required to perform the entire scope of work, it will be difficult to provide an accurate fee structure. Submit questions that will help to clarify the tasks and resources required.
Understand the Government’s goals and objectives for the project
Highlight how your solution meets those goals and objectives and the unique benefits your firm brings to the project that they won’t find with other vendors.
Identify and support the benefits you bring with proof of similar projects completed in the past. Often, companies know their reputation, key benefits, past successes, etc. and subconsciously impute that the evaluators know this as well, but keep in mind that they do not have a clue as to who you are, what you have accomplished in the past, and the qualifications the company and your team bring to this contract. You need to tell them and prove it.

Emphasize your key benefits and unique capabilities
You can use call-out boxes to highlight customer support quotes, various accomplishments, and key benefits supported by a narrative that separated your company, services, technologies, or project team from the competition, thereby providing advantages that only you can provide. Of course, tie those advantages to the Government’s objectives for this contract demonstrating why you are the best choice.
Write from the perspective that you will be winning the contract
When writing a response to a Government RFP, do not write from the perspective of “if awarded the contract, we would” do this or that. Instead, write from the perspective that “upon contract award, we will” do this or that. The second method shows confidence that you expect to win the contract.

Create two separate checklists
As you go through the RFP documents, identify all of the compliance requirements to ensure that you do not miss one minute point. When they say, to include 1-inch margins on the pages, add that to your bullet list of compliance requirements. And, when they say “in your proposal include this…”, add that to your bullet list. Your second checklist is your proposal outline identifying every volume, section, subsection, form, attachment, etc. By doing this upfront, you won’t miss anything and won’t get thrown out on a technicality for being non-compliant.

Create a customized template
When you lay everything out upfront, you are more easily able to manage the content development process and not worry about what needs to go on the cover page, cover letter, table of contents, attachments, headers & footers, etc. Then, incorporate your content requirements outline. If you complete all of that upfront, you can concentrate on preparing the narratives for each section with page limits identified where relevant. Writing the cover letter will also help you set the stage for who you are and what you are offering.
Since often, different team members are responsible for pulling together the information for different sections, it’s good to assign those sections upfront so that you can track the progress being made for each. Be sure that your proposal writer/editor edits all content to reflect a consistent voice throughout the documents.

Adapting previous content
If including previously prepared content when writing a response to a Government RFP, do not just cut and paste it into the proposal. Always be sure to adapt it to the specifics of the current proposal by reading through the entire section adjusting wording and references as necessary as well as making any additions to create more relevancy. Old content may be outdated, have references to a different agency, include past dates, and resumes may not be up to date.
Certain information may be generic and easily added such as short project team bios, a brief background of the company, and client testimonials, but for most information adapt it to the current client and scope of work.

Pricing details and rationale
Don’t just submit pricing information but support it with a rationale as to how the pricing was developed, what your assumptions are, and what various options might impact that pricing. If you are open to negotiation, say so, but don’t be vague in your presentation of costs. Instead, be very clear. You can emphasize the value of your proposition based on client satisfaction. Always include “Additional Value Added” services or products that can be identified as Optional Services, but that is included at no additional cost.

How To Write A Proposal: Data-backed Best Practices For 2024

Business proposals are sometimes perceived as a necessary evil in sales. Whether you’re writing a proposal for a huge new contract or simply pitching to a potential lead, writing sales proposals can be daunting. After all: with how hard you’ve worked to get the potential customer to this part of the process, a lot rides on your ability to get them to cross the finish line. What if we told you that writing a smart, data-informed business proposal could be the highlight of your sales process that also helps you to close more deals and increase revenue?

The purpose of this guide is to provide a clear set of rules when it comes to how to draft, format, and implement a successful, stress-free sales proposal. We’ll take a deep-dive into the elements that need to be included, why these elements are essential for success, and how to effectively structure your proposal so that it’s easy for your customers to understand their problem, your proposed solution, and make them eager to start doing business with you.

What is a business proposal? A business proposal is an offer from a seller to a prospective customer. It’s a document that outlines the scope of work, costs and deliverables for a project. Unlike estimates and invoices, business proposals are written before any work has started and are used to win new clients. Business proposals can vary; however, there’s one thing in common: their purpose is to convince potential customers to buy your products or services.

Business Proposal – Marketing Template Example They can be grouped into two categories:

  • Solicited proposals: This is also known as an RFP (Request for Proposal). It’s sent in response to a request from an existing customer or when contacting a company you already know. This type of proposal is based on the specifications provided by the client and must include all the information they have requested.
  • Unsolicited proposals: Unsolicited proposals are sent to companies you don’t have an established relationship with. This type of proposal is more like a sales pitch as you don’t have any specifications to follow. In this case, you need to include as much information about your products or services as possible for your potential clients to assess whether you’re the right fit for them.

Why putting time and effort into your business proposal will pay off If you’ve just landed a new prospect, you’re likely both excited about the opportunity and want to move forward. A well-crafted business proposal is a step toward landing the deal. A poorly crafted one, on the other hand, might give them a reason to take their business elsewhere.

The hardest part of writing a business proposal is making a compelling argument for your work. You need to show that:

  • you clearly understand the client’s needs
  • you have the right skills and experience to undertake the project
  • your ideas are original and fresh
  • you have the willpower and determination to follow through on your promises
  • you have personality! (Nobody’s here for the boring business stuff)

With the world’s information always quick search away, clients want to know why you’re the absolute best solution to their problems, and that you’re going to be worth investing in.

To ensure that you’re always sending out top-quality proposals that will win over clients, use these data-backed best practices for writing business proposals in 2024.

Best Practices:

What Should a Project Proposal Include? A proposal’s structure and flow is like that of a story: it has a beginning, a middle and an end. Just like a good narrative, it is organized and tells a convincing story designed to captivate clients. Most proposals follow similar patterns, but every proposal will be different depending on the company, industry, deal size, and the product or service in question.

The following sections detail the sections typically found in business proposals as well as explain how to include them.

  1. Cover Page It’s hard to judge a book by its cover, but you can guess how well it will sell. A sales proposal cover page that is clean and informative, including the client’s name, your name and contact info, and the date submitted, is key to gaining and keeping a client’s attention. Consider including a table of contents to make it easy for the client to jump to the area they need to review.
  2. Executive Summary The executive summary isn’t a brief rehashing of the whole proposal, it is a highlight of the most important elements of your business proposal. The goal is to show the client that you understand their background information, business plan and unique challenges–and that you are just the one to solve them. Pique their interest and give them a reason to continue reading. For inspiration in writing your executive summary, take a look at these three executive summary examples you can steal.
  3. Approach/Solution How do you solve your prospects’ problems better than your competitors? How can your company solve customers’ pain in ways that are unique and compelling to your reader? The key to successful proposal writing is to outline how you provide solutions and make yourself a winning choice.
  4. About Us/Our Team Introduce your leadership team, company founders, and team members who will be working with your new clients on their projects. Better yet, show how the members of your team have had success handling similar situations in the past. The goal of this section is to give your client confidence that they will be working with a competent, professional team and minimize any doubts they might have about hiring you. Pro Tip: in marketing, it’s well known that including real, human photos increases trust with a customer and as a result, higher conversion rates. Apply this insight to your about us/our team section to create a memorable impression with your reader.

Business Proposal – About Us Example

  1. Deliverables The deliverables section of a business proposal is probably the most important section because it outlines exactly what will be delivered for the client. It’s important to always include this section in your business proposals, as it gives the prospect a clear picture of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.

The deliverables section should outline details like:

  • The scope of the project includes recommendations based on research and analysis.
  • What you will provide (content, design, strategy, etc.)
  • How you will provide it (online, onsite, etc.)
  • When you will provide it (timeline)
  • Who will be responsible for what tasks and when they will be performed?
  1. Pricing Aim to keep your pricing section succinct and straightforward. Explain how much their total investment is going to cost. List and describe all the project fees, taxes, discounts, and optional extras. If your client has any confusion or concern about hidden extra fees, they’ll be more likely to trust you less — leading to a higher chance of rejection.

Highlight any additional costs that may arise during the project lifecycle. Clients tend to be sensitive about extra costs that weren’t mentioned in the proposal. The more transparent you are with them, the more likely it is they will trust you and be willing to pay those additional costs if they crop up later on in the project. Make sure this is crystal clear in your business proposal price section so there’s no confusion about what’s included and what’s not included in your pricing

  • Pro Tip: Instead of referring to your prices as fees or charges, label your pricing section Your Investment. This will remind people they’re investing in their development and that of their team and organization.
  1. Terms and Conditions/Sign Off If you’ve gotten this far, you’re on the home stretch. The closing of a business proposal should be the easiest part of creating it. You already did the hard work in the beginning and throughout, so it’s time to wind down and push things over the finish line.

A clean, well-designed page is a great way to close out your proposal with confidence. Just make sure that you include all the necessary information: a place for your new client to design, clear, up-to-date terms and conditions, and any other last-minute details they may need to review before making your partnership official.

  1. Bonus: Case Studies A case study is an in-depth look at a single example of a success story. It’s typically used to demonstrate how your offering has helped a customer overcome a key challenge they’ve been facing, and how it’s delivered tangible results as a result.

Case studies and testimonials are particularly useful in the closing stages of the deal cycle when buyers are trying to determine whether or not a proposed solution is right for them. Social proof from a client who’s experienced success with your solution can go a long way in helping get your buyer over the line.

How Should A Business Proposal Look?

Given the high stakes of winning new business, you can’t afford to have a bad-looking proposal. You’ve got to make it look good and fast.

Too many people focus on the content and forget about the design. The truth is both are equally important to the success of your proposal.

If you’re not designing, you’re losing out.

A well-designed proposal with engaging, high-quality images, graphics and video stands out from the competition and quickly communicates value to decision-makers. Business proposals that stand out close deals.

Proposals with images close at a higher rate Data shows that proposals that include images perform significantly better than those without. Project proposals that contained images were 72% more likely to close, and they did so at a 20% faster rate.

If you’re looking for a way to make your proposals shine, adding images can be a real game-changer. They can help catch the attention of your prospect, while also allowing your company to show off its expertise and communicate ideas more effectively.

But which images should you include? Here are some suggestions:

Headshots of your team members: If you’re offering services, it helps to let the prospect know who they’ll be working with. It also helps build trust — if they know who you are and can put faces to names, they’ll feel like they have an established relationship with you by the time they open the proposal.

Product shots to show off what you sell: If you’re offering a specific product or service, including photos gives the prospect a better idea of what it entails. Product shots are particularly useful if you’re selling through an online marketplace such as Amazon or Etsy, because customers will already be used to seeing them there.

Images that illustrate your services in action: For example, if you were pitching for a window cleaning job, showing images of past projects would serve as case studies that would help show off your skills and convince the prospect that you could create something similar for them.

Window washing services in action

Adding video to proposals increases close rates Rather than just talking about how a proposal was constructed, proposal videos can show the reasoning behind their pricing. This makes the close much more effective and greatly helps to close deals.

When your client shares your proposal internally, video makes it easy to have conversations where your voice is always present. Your client will love you because you’re explaining the deal yourself. Decision makers and buying committees will love you because you can demonstrate how you’ll solve their problem in 5 minutes, asynchronously, instead of 30 minutes over a scheduled call.

Data shows that while the use of proposal video is increasing year over year, still only a minority of proposals (21%) contained video in 2023. As companies search for creative ways to engage potential buyers, you can capitalize on this strategy now to help your deals stand out.

For inspiration, check out these examples of winning proposal design.

Using Language Models (LLMs) in the Proposal Process

Large Language Models like GPT-3 can be valuable tools to assist in the proposal writing process. Some ways LLMs can help:

  • Generating initial drafts or outlines of proposal sections based on project details and client information
  • Brainstorming and fleshing out solution approaches, deliverables, and value propositions
  • Assisting with word choice, phrasing, and tone to make the proposal compelling and persuasive
  • Proofreading and editing for grammar, clarity and flow
  • Answering questions and providing relevant information during the proposal development

LLMs can help streamline the proposal writing process by automating first drafts and editing. However, humans should always carefully review the generated text to ensure accuracy, brand consistency, and a personalized approach tailored to each client. LLMs are powerful assistants in proposal writing but shouldn’t fully replace the human expertise and client knowledge that an experienced salesperson brings.

Sales Proposal Follow-Up The best way to follow up with leads is to use data, not guesswork.

Professional persistence is an important element of good salesmanship—and when done right it can go a long way. A cautious approach, a smart strategy, not to mention personal reliability will pay off.

How you follow up after sending a proposal is just as important as the proposal itself, and the timing of your follow-up can be the deciding factor in getting a deal closed, so it’s important to know when is best to reach out.

You’re more likely to succeed when you reach out with important information based on your prospect’s behaviour. For example, if you know that prospects open a proposal an average of five times before they make a decision, build high-importance tasks into your process for reps to follow up on the proposal as soon as it has been opened for a fifth time.

Business Proposal – Client Insights

To effectively use your follow-up process, you need to know the baseline metrics of your team. Once you know these numbers, you can identify patterns that indicate a deal may be in trouble and act before you miss your opportunity.

Ready to get started but need some inspiration? There are many free business proposal templates available online that include everything you need to dominate your brand pitches and win more clients. Templates are available for a wide range of businesses from accounting firms and creative agencies to construction jobs. Searching for “[your industry] business proposal template” is a good place to start.

Business Proposal – Roofing Template

A winning business proposal has a greater chance of success and can be the difference between getting that client, making that sale, or missing out on that opportunity. To get your proposal noticed in a sea of competitors, you need to work at creating a document that is easy and enjoyable to read.

Our best tip? Keep it short, but don’t hesitate to include details in the most relevant sections.

Long story, short: create the proposal that you would be thrilled to get.